A month has flown away. And there goes January. February is here! which means CNY is real near now! Four more days and I'm looking so much forward to it.
Anyway did CIP yesterday! Haha EH it was fun! We throw the handmade balls around(we were fooling around) and we cut the recycled packets and paste them on the butterflies. I know it sounds pretty silly but it was fun!:D Haha we went with 310 if im not wrong. It was drizzling pooof. Initially we were asked to pack the oranges into the bags. 40ppl doing thus it was quite fast. Then we had to cut and paste the recycled drinks packets onto the butterfly or whatever. Ok the exciting part came. Xiuhuan and I decided to head to the 7 eleven near the Lam Soon CC to buy some snacks. Just when we were snacking the unexpected happened. As we hide at one corner and when I turned to my right, I saw a stern face. and that belongs to Mr chew haha! Okay, I was shocked at first. We were not chided that badly but after that i think it's all for our good. because if we two girls were like missing mr chew would have to take some responsible. Sorry Mr chew. Though I knew you wouldnt see this post lol. So to shinyi and kahghim CIP is fun! Especially the part whereby we threw the balls around and play monkey!:D So afterall it wasn't that bad. And and and walked to cck mrt station and I didn't get lost I was so proud of myself haha. Saw joshua and hongliang haha they both sort of can't recognise me.
The paper that includes the information about CT was out. And it was stated there coldly that CT is just almost days after chinese new year gosh. Why so soon pooof? Eww. Had tests this week and I simply think I will just have borderline passes for them all. It really upsets me when I studied for them but flunk them. So I would be just aiming for a B for my chinese this time round since i have procrastinated my revision till the last moments shucks. Next week the creepy hands of history and social studies shall get their hands on me. But I shall study for them believe or not yeah. Had a busy week and so I turned in early yesterday.
To summarise all,
1) Had SPA. Lab partners lohsinyi rocks, too bad I'm seated like a zillion km away from her. Xiuhuan as well. Joel Tan the stupid guy is the only one I can talk to and laugh with. Booo.
2) Celebrated January baba's birthday on wednesday!:D Mr Chew had kindly sponsor us the cake and though some ppl was missing, we still had fun with alan and evia gobbling the cherries first.
3) Maths test: I'm supposed to score a full mark for it since I know how to do them all. But careless-ness defeated me and I was pathetically deducted a painful two marks.
4) Chemistry test: The same awful incident mentioned above repeated. The careless bug decided to attack my brains once more and one mark was deducted. To see that I was just a step away from my full marks. Hopefully that damn bug would perish on my three tests next week let's see.
5) Physics test: Just one mark and I gonna fail hahas.
6) I feel like killing myself now for agreeing to be the chinese rep for my class. It sucks totally as some idiotic peeps don't wanna hand in the worksheets and I have to report every now and then but what can I do. That unpleasant feeling is making me freaking pissed wth.
7) Our class have decided on our CIP project: Give tuition to the Rulang students. Hope to embark on it asap and may we have loads of fun lol.
Pictures coming up;
Class noticeboard:D
Birthday cake! Chng huimin, kelly, shiteng and tingchuan!
filtration rocks though our hands were tired.
Proudly presented by Lohsinyi and Leongfongting!(:
Fireeee ahhh lols.
To acheive water from salt water I guess.
Bye guys, gotta mug for my three tests.♥
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