Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm in such a good mood to post something today. Okay and I shall number the events by number instead of paragraphs. Because I like doing so yeah.
1) Had chemistry test. Yes yes yes I think it's hard enough to make me feel upset about it. And I often think I suck at chemistry. Well...
2) Celebrate Mr Quek's birthday! Shinyi had ordered a 1.5kg cake and we celebrate mr quek's birthday during recess. I could sense everybody's glare and glance at us but who cares? Hahas:} Three big candles with Three small candles= 33YEARS OLD:D Hahas:D Mr Quek was elated and delighted. His smile was there all the while! We sang birthday song for him and let him blow the candles. Jealous uh the other teachers? I mean, students seldom celebrate teacher's birthday right? Hahas:} To think that most of 201 classmates not to like him initially, not me anyways:D
3) After school stay back for BIO remedia and SPA. SPA was interesting at first but when it comes to plotting the graph and realising that your answer is different from the others, it would really piss you a hell lot. At that moment you would feel like tearing the papers and let the shreds of paper soar in the air. And that's not all. With the nagging of teachers hurrying you to rush your work, you would burst out in real rage with some unglam words shooting out. That's what happened almost every SPA lesson. One hour is really not sufficient. Then the remedia was like just going through the workbook answers. But Ms Chng explained it well so at least I could understand.
4) Mr ___ likes to bullshit a lot and I totally loathe him. He craps and shows off. With his arrogant attitude plus his I-feel-like-smacking face, he won't go too far. Mrs ___ was another one. Her ears must be something wrong as she keeps hearing stuff that doesn't even exists in this class. She hears noise that irritates her when the class is quiet. She shows us this silly face that makes me feel like burst out laughing.
5) After school went to Macs with Charmaine, Kahghim, Peiying, Yijun and Joey:D However half way, Kahghim and I left because ghim's dad offered to ride us home. So good of him! Super thanks Kahghim and her daddy!:D:D Ok, meanwhile waiting for Kahghim's dad, we went to library intending to borrow books. However the one who borrowed books successfully is only Kahghim because I was at the multimedia corner typing rubbish. It was really stupid, now I realised hahas:}
6) I've tons of homework. Morons them. So much homework to be done when there're three tests next week (SS test was cancelled), and CNY is like a great holiday for us. No brains yeah.

DAYS TO CNY: 1day!:D:D
Gosh tomorrow, no school and reunion dinner!:) I can't wait for tomorrow's night to arrive and begin my real countdown to CNY:D