Thursday, February 21, 2008

One more day and stressful common tests would be over:D No more mugging for the time-being yays{: Had physics remedia with Mr chew today after school. He's pretty good and patient with the teaching and recap-ing almost everything gosh. So I understand kinematics, like finally. Though my confidence level plunged to the lowest today after A. Maths, I do wish that physics would be better. A maths causes headache and heartpain, because if they extend the allocated time I would perhaps solve them. And at least check through to see if there're any careless mistakes. But for now, just that one damn hour. Shucks, Common tests are.. shit.

Tie day=assembly. Muthu, Ahmad and Ah Meng came to our school to perform some silly stuff. Nevertheless, it's hilarious:D Last but not least, I would like to apologize and thank kahghim! Thanks for waiting but sorry for letting you wait for such a long time today. Real sorry buddy!

Well, congratutations to S'pore for getting the chance to host the Youth Olympic or whatever they call that. They seems so confident in defeating other countries in the first place anyway.