Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Have a lot to catch up in school. You know, I've missed two days of lessons and there's an awful lot of lessons and stuff this and there to catch up before I lag behind the others. There's logarithms and sciences. Homework is stacking higher each day on my desk. Gosh, how can I ever finish them haha. Too bad, that seems to be the price I've to pay for absenting myself for the past few days and not having my time well-spent during the starting of the holidays. Now it's time to regret how great could this be? Crisis h-e-l-p.

School wasn't that bad, though it was hard to listen to the lessons on log. It sounds french or whatever and I'm still confused on the several rules. Guess I've to read through it myself then. Since it's so hard and important. Physics was Newton's law(s). Not that bad as well though Mr Chew had finished the chapter without me knowing haha. Three free periods today 'cause Ms Joy wasn't around. And I was rushing Maths while getting stuck at some questions. Perhaps my brain is still pretty dead and I couldn't get used to life. To think that I was lying on my bed last week enjoying the thought of not doing any homework. In the end I've to suffer. It's not that good to be sick afterall. Life has to continue and you'll just needa rush through the entire process as a result of being too lazy. Don't be disheartened. Good Friday would be another break for us students:D

I didn't faint, I didn't puke and I was rather fine. Re-united with my 201&308mates, that feeling was great. At least I get to crack jokes with my peers, and have a hearty laugh with them, school was slightly better(to think positively). On the second note, I'm really blessed.
' With a frown or smile your day still comes and go. You only get to choose how you gonna let it be. It just matters how you think.'
:D Ciao.