Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hectic school life is making me breathless especially with my cca resuming. You know, the cca that I dread weekly had started this week. Which means I would have to face him. For goodness he hasn't changed, not at all. The words he spit out contains a mixture of sarcastism and arrogance which I can't stand. Great at least now I'm in the upper secondary he can't do anything to us right? Except to give us a piece of his mind and chide us badly enough for us to run away every lesson. It's been ages since I faced him. And obviously I could sense his unhappiness in me but who cares? From now on I shall ignore him and just concentrate on mastering the pieces until there are zero mistakes. Well, it's easier to be said than doing it so most likely it's not going to happen. Unless I stick to it. Fine, I shall try{:

Homework come flowing in at the wrong time, always. Holiday doesn't seems a break but instead it appears to be a week to study and revise whatever that you should. It sounds stressed but perhaps secondary three is supposed to be like this? Tight schedule whereby none of the precious time should be wasted on computers television or other stuff. How can I possible survived?

It maybe super busy, but tolerate guys. Holiday's just few days away and soon we would be enjoying days whereby we could wake up at noon and sleep at dawn:D